The security team will need to determine which scenario to go with: delegated or app-only. The recommendation is of course to use the technology that is designed to work specifically for most contexts: app only. However, this is totally up to case by case.
Using Delegated ROPC Auth
Copy {
"Logging" : {
"LogLevel" : {
"Default" : "Warning"
} ,
"SwaggerConfiguration" : {
"Title" : "xxxxx Email Reader Service" ,
"Version" : "V3.0.4" ,
"Description" : "Reads incoming xxx emails from customers and assigns them" ,
"TermsOfService" : "" ,
"ContactName" : "xxxxx" ,
"ContactEmail" : "" ,
"LicenseName" : "Use in Jibal" ,
"LicenseUrl" : ""
} ,
"DataBaseContextSQL" : {
//"connectionString": ";Port=5432;Username=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;Database=xxxxx;"
"connectionString" : ";Port=5432;Username=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;Database=xxxxx;"
} ,
"Authentication" : {
"AzureCloudInstance" : "AzurePublic" ,
"ClientId" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"TenantId" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"RedirectUri" : "http://localhost"
} ,
"WebAPI" : {
"MicrosoftGraphBaseEndpoint" : ""
Copy public async Task < ExchangeService > ConnectToEmailAsync ( CtSites site)
_logger .LogInfo( "SITE DATA: " + site . SiteName );
var ewsClient = new ExchangeService ();
SampleConfiguration config = SampleConfiguration .ReadFromJsonFile( "appsettings.json" );
var app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder .CreateWithApplicationOptions( config . PublicClientApplicationOptions )
// The permission scope required for EWS access
var ewsScopes = new string [] { "" };
// Make the interactive token request
var authResult = await app .AcquireTokenInteractive(ewsScopes).ExecuteAsync();
// Configure the ExchangeService with the access token
ewsClient . Url = new Uri ( "" );
ewsClient . Credentials = new OAuthCredentials ( authResult . AccessToken );
// Make an EWS call
var folders = ewsClient .FindFolders( WellKnownFolderName . MsgFolderRoot , new FolderView ( 40 ));
foreach ( var folder in folders)
Console .WriteLine( $"Folder: { folder . DisplayName }" );
catch ( MsalException ex)
Console .WriteLine( $"Error acquiring access token: {ex}" );
catch ( Exception ex)
Console .WriteLine( $"Error: {ex}" );
if ( System . Diagnostics . Debugger . IsAttached )
Console .WriteLine( "Hit any key to exit..." );
// Console.ReadKey();
return ewsClient;
catch ( Exception ex)
_logger .LogError( "Connection to " + site . SiteName + " fails. No connection to the email, please veirfy User and Passwrod: " + site . EmailAccount );
_saveLogs .SaveLogError(ex , MethodBase .GetCurrentMethod(). Name , site . PksiteId );
return new ExchangeService ();
/* ExchangeService IConnectToEmailService.ConnectToEmailAsync(CtSites site)
throw new NotImplementedException();